Delta College Planetarium

Welcome to the Delta College Planetarium online store.

To Worlds Beyond

Thursdays at 2pm January 18 - February 29

Explore our solar system like never before. From the fiery surface of the Sun to the icy realm of comets, travel to worlds with enormous volcanoes, vast canyons, dazzling rings and storms that would swallow Earth. You will be astounded of what our solar system has to offer.

To Worlds Beyond- Adult
Price: $7.00

To Worlds Beyond- Child
Price: $5.00

Between the ages of 3 and 18.

To Worlds Beyond- Delta Student
Price: $5.00

Delta College students currently enrolled in at least one credit hour.

To Worlds Beyond- Military
Price: $5.00

Active duty and veterans.

To Worlds Beyond- Senior
Price: $5.00

People age 60+.