Delta College Planetarium

Welcome to the Delta College Planetarium online store.

Aurora: Lights of Wonder

Fridays in January - April at 2pm
Starting January 17

The aurora is the greatest wonder a human can experience in nature. Now, you can experience the actual aurora with the world's first 4K x 4K real-time hemispherical immersive video. Animations and CG depict auroral myths and the science behind the aurora, also known as the northern or southern lights. The show tells the story of how auroras are formed, the secret behind the colors, the best places to see them, their different shapes, auroras on other planets, and more.


Aurora- Adult
Price: $7.00

Aurora- Child
Price: $5.00
Between the ages of 3 and 18.

Aurora- Delta Student
Price: $5.00
Delta College students currently enrolled in at least one credit hour.

Aurora- Military
Price: $5.00
Active duty and veterans.

Aurora- Senior
Price: $5.00
People age 60+.